
EchoClan Annoucements:

There is a prophecy coming up!

Everyone is added!

EchoClan's Status:

Season: Late Leaf-bare

Prey: Now that Leaf-bare is coming to an end, there is more prey.

Sickness: Currently no sickness in EchoClan and Leaf-bare is almost over, so it looks like we have gotten through without major sickness.

Cats Status: The newest EchoClan cats are Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Wishpool.

Jadestar's Lives: She has 5, she fell off the Great Rock at a gathering and landed on her head.

Prophecy Cats: Halfkit, Fogkit, Flytekit, Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Stormsky

Remember- Only Halfkit and Fogkit are starting to find out about their powers and teh prophecy, NO ONE ELSE YET!!! =D

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Medicine Cat Den

This is where (insert med cat and med cat apprentice) sleep. It is a den made out of rock, with crevices inside the walls in the den used for storing herbs. If you are sick, hurt, have had a dream from StarClan, or would just like to talk to or help (insert med cat and med cat apprentce), come here.



  1. Leafstream padded in, sweat was beating down her face. "Goldenfrost, the k-kits are coming!"


  2. "Okay. Don't worry. Here, lie on this moss here." Goldenfrost directed her to a nest. He sniffed gingerly along her flank. "They are almost coming. Now, until the spazms start, there isn't anything I can do. Not yet, anyways. Would you like some water?"

  3. moontail entred the medecinecat's den with the kit she had rescued in her jaws.she put the kit in nest and then moved tawards goldenfrost."goldenfrost,i found a kit that almost.."he sentence was stoped when she saw that leafstream was having her kits."is there anything i can do to help?"she asked the mdecinecat."maybe i could go fetch some wet moss,for her?"she suggested.

  4. "That would be great, Moontail." he purred at her. "As for the kit... Maybe Leafstream will nurse it? For the time being, I can watch it." (is it a guy or a girl?)
    (yowza, I'm laaaaaaaaaaaaate!)

  5. [a she-cat.]
    moontail nods,"i'll be right back."she mews before starting to pad out she licked sagekit on the head once to comfort her.

    sagekit,opened one eye and looked around,"where am i and were's cloud and mom?"she asked to no cat in particuler.

  6. "Shh, it's okay." Goldenfrost stroked the kit with his tail, feeling a little lost. He was no queen! "You're safe for now, that's what matters. Are you hungry or thirsty? And do you hurt anywhere?" he asked hopefully, wating a problem he could fix.

  7. sagekit shook her head,"i'm just realy cold and ahhhchuuu!"she sneezes."tired."she finishes her sentence.

  8. moontail pads back with wet moss and put it beside the queen so she can drink,seeing hat she's no longer needed she pads off to find nightpaw.

  9. Jadestar padded into the den. "Goldenfrost, could I have a moment with you?" she asked. She saw Leafstream laying in the den, hoping she would be alrigt. She also saw the young Sagekit, recovering from her cold. Walking to the very back of the medicine cat den, flicking her tail for Goldenfrost to follow. "I'm not sure how to say this, Goldenfrost, but I..I believe I'm expecting kits," she meowed. "Could you check?" she asked awkwardly.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "You have reason to wonder?" he asked, smiling at her when she squirmed. "Yes... I have known for a while, but I figured you would want to ask on your own terms. Will you tell the Clan, or wait for it to show? More, I mean." He padded over to Sagekit and pushed some herbs toward her. "Eat them if you want to get better." he mewed gruffly.

  12. "I don't think I'll tell the clan yet.They'll find out soon enough,rumors are already starting. Thanks, Goldenfrost. Bye," she meowed as she got up. She looked over at Sagekit as she as she walked by and said, "You better eat those herbs, or you won't have your apprentice cerimony, which should happen soon!" Jadestar smiled as she left the den.


  13. Honeycloud padded in smiling at Goldenfrost. "Hi, did you need any help here? I knew some herbs before I joined, so I think I can name a couple..."


  14. sagekit nods licks up the herbs and pads into the clearing.

  15. "Hi, Honeycloud. We could really do with some catmint, if you can find it, and borage, too. If you could get those, I would be really gratefull."

  16. Greyfoot stormed into the den. "Goldenfrost! Harvestpaw! Lilypool! Honeycloud! Someone help, Jadestra's having kits!!" he yowled.


  17. (I'm Harvestpaw for now..)

    Harvestpaw looked at the herb supply and realized they needed more chervil leaves and root. She remebered a place where she could find some near the ThistleClan border. "Goldenfrost, I'm of to get some herbs! I'll be back soon!" she called and scampered out of the den.


    (im doing this cuz she's gunna die cuz she never comes on and we need a new med cat apprentice peoples, starrynight knows)

  18. (Who was the original Harvestpaw? I forgot)

    Honeycloud padded into the medicine cat den, a mouthful of borage and catmint. "Here Goldenfrost." She dropped the herbs at the medicine cat's feet. "Anything else you need me to do?"


  19. "No... I think that's good. Unless you have a new apprentice for me hiding in your fur?" Goldenfrost twitched his tail irritably, picking at a mouse.

  20. Honeycloud nodded. "Alright....and, hopefully a new apprentice will come soon..." She sighed, and made her way out the den.

    - Honeycloud -

  21. "Okay, Smokepaw. Do you know anything at all about any herbs?"

  22. Smokepaw's tail swished. " my old clan....I remember gathering herbs once....what was it..." He paused, pondering his mind for the thought. "I know deathberries are poisonous....and...catmint's used to treat greencough. And....poppy seeds are used to make a cat sleepy." Smokepaw paused. "That's all I remember."

    - Smokepaw -

  23. "That's a good start, though." He retrieved some leaves from his den. "These are marigold leaves, used mainly to help stop infection. Flowerwish still has deep gashes from the battle, and so far they aren't healing. We chew up the marigold leaves, and lick their juice on to the wound like this." He demonstrated on his paw. "How about you go find Flowerwish in the warrior's den and check on her? Smell the wound, if it smells rancid or sour, and feels hot and puffy, it's getting infected. Then lick off the old poultice and apply a new one. Does that sound too difficult? I believe in learning through acting. Let's go. I will accompany you to make sure you do it right, but you will be the one treating her. Alright?"

  24. Smokepaw nodded. "Alright." He brushed his way through the entrance, nodding to Goldenfrost.

    - Smokepaw -

    (comment next at Warriors Den?)
