
EchoClan Annoucements:

There is a prophecy coming up!

Everyone is added!

EchoClan's Status:

Season: Late Leaf-bare

Prey: Now that Leaf-bare is coming to an end, there is more prey.

Sickness: Currently no sickness in EchoClan and Leaf-bare is almost over, so it looks like we have gotten through without major sickness.

Cats Status: The newest EchoClan cats are Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Wishpool.

Jadestar's Lives: She has 5, she fell off the Great Rock at a gathering and landed on her head.

Prophecy Cats: Halfkit, Fogkit, Flytekit, Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Stormsky

Remember- Only Halfkit and Fogkit are starting to find out about their powers and teh prophecy, NO ONE ELSE YET!!! =D

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Great Tree

A large tree where prey is easy to catch if you know how to climb. Apprentices always enjoy practicing their climbing here.



  1. Mystpaw padded in, enjoying the quiet beauty and graundeur the tree possessed. She sat at its roots, idly tracing patterns in the dirt and wishing that someone were here to enjoy it with her.

  2. Mystmoon padded towards the tree, remembering the time she came here alone when she first joined, wishing for a friend. And now, she was here with Crowflight, her mate. She dashed up into the tree and smiled. "Let's hunt a squirrel," she said.

  3. "Don't talk, you'll scare them all away!" Crowflight wispered. He smelt the air and looked around. It hadn't snowed much, the thin layer of snow on the grownd was already disappearing. Hopefully they could still find decent prey. But really, Crowflight didn't care that much at the moment, he was just happy to be with Mystmoon. He ran up the tree and sat next to her, smelling the air for prey scent.


  4. Mystmoon purred, very content at the moment.

    "Let's get back to camp," Mystmoon said. She clutched a squirrel in her jaws. "I'll race you!" Mystmoon took off, the squirrel bumping against her legs, followed closely by Crowpaw.

  5. (lol, Mystmoon and Crowflight no 'paws')

    Crowflgith raced after her, a squirrel in his jaws as well. Soon he caught up and was running side-by-side with Mystmoon. "Hey, wait up! I want to ask you something!" he meowed, his voice muffled with the fresh-kill in his mouth.


  6. Mystmoon skidded to a stop. She put her squirrel down. "Yes?" she asked.

  7. Crowflight stopped beside her and put his squirrel down as well. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to meet me at Willow Island, tonight," he meowed.


  8. (Is the next comment after dropping off the Prey at the Fresh-kill pile at the Willow Island?)

    "Sure," said Mystmoon. "I'd love to." She smiled at Crowflight and continued back to camp, to the fresh-kill pile.

  9. (Yes)
    Crowflight picked up his squirrel and followed Mystmoon back to camp.


  10. Raintail padded in. Sunlight filtered through the branches, turning the world amber. "Okay. Here's how you do a hunting crouch," Raintail said, getting down to business. He slid silently on all his four paws. "It's important that you don't make any noise or take any heavy steps," he said. "The prey can feel you walking, and that gives them premonition. You must be silent, still, and patient." Raintail straightened out. "Okay, then, let's see it."

  11. Amberpaw nodded and crouched just as Raintail had showed her. She stalked a few steps forward, light on her paws. She then stood up and looked at her mentor. "How was that?" she asked.


  12. "That was excellent," Raintail mewed. "I think we'd better get back to camp. It's been a long training session, and I want to see my sister's kits."

  13. "Ok, that sounds great to me. I'm a bit tired anway," Amberpaw said with a yawn. She padded after her mentor back to camp.

