
EchoClan Annoucements:

There is a prophecy coming up!

Everyone is added!

EchoClan's Status:

Season: Late Leaf-bare

Prey: Now that Leaf-bare is coming to an end, there is more prey.

Sickness: Currently no sickness in EchoClan and Leaf-bare is almost over, so it looks like we have gotten through without major sickness.

Cats Status: The newest EchoClan cats are Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Wishpool.

Jadestar's Lives: She has 5, she fell off the Great Rock at a gathering and landed on her head.

Prophecy Cats: Halfkit, Fogkit, Flytekit, Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Stormsky

Remember- Only Halfkit and Fogkit are starting to find out about their powers and teh prophecy, NO ONE ELSE YET!!! =D

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Warriors, an Apprentice, and a Problem

Jadestar climbed her way onto the EchoRock, it was harder for her when her belly was bigger then usual, and it will get bigger. She called her clan together, a happy expression on her face. "We have some ceremonies! First, we have a new apprentice named Cloudpaw," she said, flicking her tail tord the white-furred apprentice. "Cloudpaw will be mentored by Brooklight." Jadestar paused while mentor and apprentice touched noses. "And now, there are two apprentices ready to be made warriors. Fallenpaw and Scarpaw, come forward!" she called, and the joy-filled apprentices stepped forward and climbed the EchoRock. "Both of you have been trained well,and I trust you have learned to and will follow and respect the warrior code. Do you two wish to become warriors?"

"I do!" They both say.

"Than from this day on, Scarpaw, you will be known as Scartail. Fallenpaw, you will be known as Fallenheart," Jadestar meowed, "You will both site vigil tonight!" Jadestar paused again while the clan cheered for the new warriors and apprentice.

Cloudpaw! Scartail! Fallenheart!

She looked at the sky, it was the night of the half-moon. Goldenfrost and Harvestpaw looked up at her, expecting her to say they where going tonight. But, she knew that was not possible. When the cheers died down, Jadestar said, "As you can see by the moon rising in the sky, tonight is the half-moon. But, Goldenfrost, Harvestpaw, and I cannot travel to the Wish Pool tonight. The Wish Pool has been lost(blog deleted), and so, we cannot share tounges with StarClan in our dreams until we find a new place to do so. Meeting dissmissed!" Shocked gasps where in the croud of cats, they were panicking over the fact that the medicine cats EchoClan could not share dreams with StarClan on the sacred half-moon. Jadestar knew they would act like this, but they needed to know.

(So, the Wish Pool was deleted, and we need a new blog to go to so we can share tounges with StarClan again! Comment at this poct and tell me your favorite!)



  1. "But Jadestar! Why didn't you tell me before! We can't live like this...!"

  2. Desertslash gasped inside."No Wish Pool?" He murmured to himself.

    Brightkit looked up to Larkfeather."What is WIsh Pool?"

  3. * Looks up at Larkfeather his eyes confused *
    ~ Shadekit

    * Gasped *

    * Looks worried *
    >> Firepaw

  4. Brightkit exchanged a look with Shadekit.SHe had no idea what they were talking about either.

    Desertslash bowed his head and slowly approached Jadestar."Jadestar?" He asked."Maybe I could go explore and look for a new place." He said.

    (I might make a new blog for it if you want.)
