
EchoClan Annoucements:

There is a prophecy coming up!

Everyone is added!

EchoClan's Status:

Season: Late Leaf-bare

Prey: Now that Leaf-bare is coming to an end, there is more prey.

Sickness: Currently no sickness in EchoClan and Leaf-bare is almost over, so it looks like we have gotten through without major sickness.

Cats Status: The newest EchoClan cats are Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Wishpool.

Jadestar's Lives: She has 5, she fell off the Great Rock at a gathering and landed on her head.

Prophecy Cats: Halfkit, Fogkit, Flytekit, Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Stormsky

Remember- Only Halfkit and Fogkit are starting to find out about their powers and teh prophecy, NO ONE ELSE YET!!! =D

Saturday, January 22, 2011

OK, we can have a prophecy

According to the poll (that I finally bothered to look at and make a post about, lol) you guys want a prophecy! And beacuase to answer with the most was the one where you said 'yes, but inly if I'm in it', I promise as many cats as possible will be in it. But, does anyone have any ideas on what the prophecy should be about? Please comment below. Thanks!


  1. The prophecy...It can be about....either there's a "natural disaster" and they need to find out what's causing it, or a evil cat within EchoClan...or...a new cat comes and tells them that a group of rouges is coming to take over EchoClan and they need to stop them.

    If I can join...I could be the "new cat" from the last suggestion or the evil cat if no ones willing. ^^ But, I hope my suggestions are helpful.

  2. I want Mystmoon to be in the prophecy, and her power is mind reading, if powers are allowed.

    I like WCL92's idea. A devastating disaster could happen, caused by this evil kitteh bent on Echoclan's destruction, and the prophecized have to find and fight him.

  3. I like that idea too! You can brobably guess I want my cat in it, but I'll work on words for the prophecy.

  4. Ummmmm...... I like WCL92's thrid and after that they could find one of the cats in the clan killed or wat eva.

  5. Okay, scratch my first part of my comment above. I want Flytekit to be in the prophecy, and her power is mind reading.
