
EchoClan Annoucements:

There is a prophecy coming up!

Everyone is added!

EchoClan's Status:

Season: Late Leaf-bare

Prey: Now that Leaf-bare is coming to an end, there is more prey.

Sickness: Currently no sickness in EchoClan and Leaf-bare is almost over, so it looks like we have gotten through without major sickness.

Cats Status: The newest EchoClan cats are Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Wishpool.

Jadestar's Lives: She has 5, she fell off the Great Rock at a gathering and landed on her head.

Prophecy Cats: Halfkit, Fogkit, Flytekit, Riverpaw, Sweetpaw, and Stormsky

Remember- Only Halfkit and Fogkit are starting to find out about their powers and teh prophecy, NO ONE ELSE YET!!! =D

Monday, April 18, 2011


I'm angry. I was hoping to post some cat pictures that I drew today. But guess what? My scanner desided to not coopperate with my computer today. So now I can't post cat pics yet. My mom is working on fixing my scanner (and she good with tech stuff so she will probly fix it soon), but until it is fixed I can't post and cat drawings. But I do have Chilepanda's request done and one of Jadestar, but I just saw Starry's request so I'm still working on that. I hope to post them soon, sorry to keep you waiting!



  1. It's fine! Technical problems :(

  2. Hi, Scarlet here!

    My blog, BrambleClan, has a blogroll, and I was wondering if you could add BrambleClan to yours! In return, I would add EchoClan to mine!

    If you don’t have a blogroll, then you can use an allies list! :D



    (And also thank you, SeraphicxLunatic for the great idea!)

    (And also, like SeraphicxLunatic had mentioned in her post, if your clan hasn’t been posted on in about a month, it will be deleted from my blogroll. Thanks!)

  3. Hey Sunset, If you have time, I wuz woundering if you could make this pic have very bright green eyes?

    Thanks :)

    ~~ Horii ~~

  4. You should make an entire blog for your drawings, they're great!! You could run a cat drawing site and everything! :P
